The ups and downs of being a jack of all trades.

the ups and downs of jack of all trades feature image post

Sure, it is nice to know a vast variety of things, but it also comes with a sense of ick.

I prefer hearing the bad things or eating a savoury food first and then listening to the good things or finishing off with a dessert, respectively. Sure, I occasionally take a bite of the two alternately because some foods’ tastes are
enhanced when you alternate the sweet and savoury bites.

If you sense which one I am about to do right now, then you, my friend, definitely need to do a course in meditation.

Downs of all trades

1. Never one and done.
You buy a lot of stuff and use it only a few times. If it doesn’t have an expiration date, then you are saved. And if it did have one, then you are screwed. It probably dries out, and when you reach out to it for help, it will have gone to heaven and waved back at you.

2. The self-loathing phase
You beat yourself up for not being an expert at things like your peers.

3. Does our bucket list ever end?
There is always something to do. The possibilities are endless.

Ups of all trades

1. A pat on the back
You are proud of yourselves.

2. Free therapy
You have the fulfilments, it serves as a therapy. Anything that is handmade, gives you immense joy and happiness. To make something from scratch.

3. Budget, Bridgette!
Creates holes in your pocket. You mend it but they are fast fashion, it will be there somewhere else on the clothing! Pun fun.. haha!

4. A bonus point!
Of Course, the possibilities are endless.

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